Category: Trouble at the 7-11 Ranch
“Trouble at the 7-11 Ranch” unfolds a compelling narrative set against the backdrop of rural Colorado, where the unexplained disappearance of a local rancher, Jake Millison, ignites a firestorm of speculation and investigation. Airing...
Deb Rudibaugh was a figure central to a tragic narrative that unfolded on the 7-11 Ranch in Gunnison, Colorado. Her life, once deeply enmeshed in the routines of rural ranching and the care of...
Jake Millison was born into a life deeply intertwined with the sprawling landscapes of Gunnison, Colorado, where he was raised on the 7-11 Ranch. As the stepson of a local ranch owner, Millison’s early...
Stephanie Jackson emerged as a central figure in a case that captured both local and national attention due to the tragic murder of her brother, Jacob Millison, and the subsequent legal battles that unfolded....