Category: Evil Walked Through the Door
In a gripping upcoming episode of Dateline NBC titled “Evil Walked Through the Door,” scheduled to air on April 19, 2024, investigative journalist Josh Mankiewicz unravels the long-unresolved case of Erin Gilmour, whose life...
Joseph George Sutherland is a figure whose life transitioned from relative obscurity in a small community to national notoriety following his admission of guilt in two of Canada’s longstanding cold cases. This profile examines...
Erin Gilmour was a young woman with a bright future and aspirations in the fashion industry, whose life was tragically cut short in December 1983. This profile aims to honor her memory by exploring...
Susan Tice, a dedicated family therapist and mother of four, led a life marked by compassion and a commitment to helping others. Her life, full of potential and service, was tragically cut short in...